Spelling Nietzsche's name wrong right out of the gate doesn't bode well for this poem. I know, I'm a snob. It's not a spelling bee. it's about gender, holiest-on-high.

Question: What's so "brave" about submitting a poem to a peer-reviewed medical journal? If it weren't published, we wouldn't be talking about it at all, but it was published, which means They got what They wanted: validation from Science. The same Science which lies to parents and kids about the purpose and safety of surgeries and cross-sex hormones.

If nothing else, the journal must document that all the scientists who reviewed this poem are peers of the poet; at very least, queer.

Otherwise, I'm calling the FDA.

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I like it~! The meaning- at least for me- was clear, I feel it. I, too, am a poet in a different part of the health field. I think a lot of 'creatives' are drawn to nurturing others.~

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This made me think of my wife.

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beautiful !

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